The Future of Civilization

Nanette Nelson, Envision Board Member

The State of the Future 20.0 is a whopping 500-page overview of the current situation and prospects for the future of the world—a report card for humanity. Nearly a thousand futurists, scholars, and other experts organized by The Millennium Project have produced this magnum opus, which provides humanity’s prospects for the future in clear, concise language. Learn about The State of the Future 20.0.

Drivers of Change

Nanette Nelson, Envision Board Member

Those practicing strategic foresight have heard about signals and drivers. But how are they different, and how are they used to envision the future? Understanding the role of drivers is important. Learn about drivers of change.

Generations and Futuring

 Dave Wegge, Foresight Committee

Scholars have long tried to identify and explain generational differences.  Classic theories tend to focus on major events as the primary explanatory factors. As we study the future and apply Strategic Foresight to identify plausible futures, we need to pay attention to these generational differences. I have found a new book on that topic that I highly recommend. Learn about the book on generational differences.