Signals Teams


Strategic Foresight: Using Signals to Anticipate and Lead Change

Envision’s directors have organized themselves into five signals teams to scan for signals of change in trends, events and choices likely to impact the future of Greater Green Bay. We welcome interested community members to join our efforts, enjoying hands-on learning of Strategic Foresight tools and skills, and contributing to our area’s preferred future. Help us drive the Greater Green Bay community purposefully, through study, discussion, publication and presentation. Currently we focus on these five areas:

Monitor Signals of Change

Signals of Leading Edge Economy

Having determined to pursue transformation rather than mere competitiveness, this team follows developments in:

  • Entrepreneurship and innovation, the keys to continued growth and competitive edge
  • Emerging workforce skills, ensuring work skills training critical to transformation are available here
  • Strategic diversity, seeking people who can contribute at a high level, regardless of background
  • Women in the workplace, understanding they can, in many areas, perform more effectively than their male counterparts
  • Using technology to create and avoid disruption
  • Higher Education, realizing that a revolution in that area is key to transformation

To learn more about this signals team, email us at

Economic Transformation and Disruption

Signals of Health and Well-Being

Recognizing the importance of health and well-being in fostering thriving, resilient communities, this team explores:

  • The social determinants of health (health starts long before illness–in our homes, schools, and jobs)
  • Delivery and access of healthcare services
  • Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Our aging population and its impact on the community’s health and wellness
  • Health disparities and inequities

To learn more about this signals team, email us at

Health  and Well-being

Signals of Upward Mobility

Understanding the critical roles of lifelong learning, growth and personal success in a thriving community, this team is following:

  • Productive collaboration between employment and education resources to ensure everyone has opportunities to succeed
  • Potential for self-sufficient families
  • Openness and responsiveness to newcomers
  • Developing opportunities for seniors and persons with disabilities so they might continue to contribute to the community
  • Psychological resources that are increasingly ample and accessible

To learn more about this signals team, email us at

Signals of Pathways to Success

Signals of Livable Neighborhoods

To ensure the Greater Green Bay area contains adequate housing for all its residents, the Livable Neighborhoods Signals Team prioritizes:

  • Availability and affordability of housing across the entire socio-economic spectrum
  • Neighborhoods which provide the fundamental elements of diversity and basic needs
  • Safety for all residents in their daily lives
  • Adequate means of transportation to access the recreational, cultural, and other benefits of the community
  • Protection and support for the needs of those suffering from homelessness
  • Access to housing and services for those in transition due to age, disability, and other life circumstances

To learn more about this signals team, email us at

Signals of a Community of Choice

Signals of Arts, Culture, and Entertainment

A thriving Arts, Culture and Entertainment economy ensures all residents’ needs are being met, including community connections, supportive environment, and enlightening activities, all supported by local business, government, education and creatives. We watch for signals related to:

  • Successes of high functioning, creative ecosystems
  • Impact and enhancement of a growing creative sector
  • Enhancement of the K-12 education pathway of arts and culture in our schools
  • Retention of local college graduates
  • Trends in cities developing exceptional creative ecosystems

As a team, we document these signals and communicate them with the goal of engaging other creatives in the Strategic Foresight process.

To learn more about this signals team, email us at

Arts / Culture / Entertainment

Mailing Address:

PO Box 625
Green Bay WI  54305



Physical Address:

112 N Adams St
Green Bay WI 54301