Envision Greater Green Bay is fortunate to have a network of training alumni, friends, current and former board members, businesses and foundations who value our mission and vision. Gifts of all sizes sustain our efforts to help Greater Green Bay achieve its preferred future.
That work focuses on training local leaders, both current and emerging, in the discipline of Strategic Foresight. On behalf of our community, which ultimately is the beneficiary of donors’ philanthropic support, thanks to our generous advocates (January 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024).

Platinum ($10,000 or more)
- Sheri and Jere Dhein
- Nicolet National Bank (Strategic Foresight Workshop & World Futures Day 2024)
- Richard J. Resch Foundation, Ltd.
- Schreiber Foods, Inc. (World Futures Day 2024)

Gold ($5,000-$9,999)
- Terry Fulwiler
- Green Bay Packers Give Back (World Futures Day 2024)
- Michael & Leanne Haddad Family Fdn., Inc.
- Mark & Patricia Radtke Family Foundation of the Greater Green Bay Community Foundation

Silver ($1,000-$4,999)
- Scott & Nancy Armbrust Charitable Fund
- Associated Bank (World Futures Day 2024)
- The Boldt Company (World Futures Day 2024)
- Capital Credit Union (World Futures Day 2024)
- Fr. Paul Demuth
- Paul Jadin
- KI (World Futures Day 2024)
- George Kress Foundation (World Futures Day 2024)
- Prevea Health (World Futures Day 2024)
- Schneider (World Futures Day 2024)
- Tom & Lois Schumacher Fund of the Greater Green Bay Community Foundation
- Maryanne E. & Tim J. Weyenberg Family Fund of the Greater Green Bay Community Foundation
- Neil Van Dyke & Laura Lee Prange Family Fund of the Greater Green Bay Community Foundation (World Futures Day 2024)
- U.S. Venture/Schmidt Family Foundation (World Futures Day 2024)

Bronze (up to $999)
- Natalie Bomstad
- Devon Christianson
- Christopher and Ann Davis
- Mathew and Elizabeth Dornbush
- Diane and Patrick Ford Family Fund of the Greater Green Bay Community Foundation
- Beverly French
- Lise Lotte Gammeltoft
- Susan Garot
- Lynn Gerlach
- Jim Golembeski
- Philip C. Hauck
- Steve Herro
- Tom & Ursula Hinz
- John and Nancy Heugel
- Jeff House
- Judy Johnson
- Beth Kowalski
- Randall Lawton
- Karmen Lemke
- Gary Lofquist
- Michael Lukens
- Jamie Lynch
- Christopher Meyer
- Jerry Murphy
- Judy K. Nagel
- Alexa Naudziunas
- Nanette Nelson & Doug Landwehr
- Thomas L. Olson
- Sara Ramaker
- Dennis & LaVon Rader
- Larry J. Rose
- Diane Roundy
- Schueller Family Foundation
- Heidi Selberg
- Karen Smits
- Rose Smits
- Neil Van Dyke & Laura Lee Prange Family Fund of the Greater Green Bay Community Foundation
- Gratzia Villarroel
- Dave Wegge
- Robert C. Woessner
- Christine Woleske

Mailing Address:
PO Box 625
Green Bay WI 54305
Physical Address:
112 N Adams St
Green Bay WI 54301