Why Learn Strategic Foresight?

  • To anticipate disruptors and prepare for forces poised to impact your organization’s future
  • To infuse Strategic Foresight into your strategic planning

The pace of change is picking up dramatically. We must act – not just react – in the face of impending disruptors.

We apply Strategic Foresight systematically to identify risks and opportunities community wide. Our goal? To enhance the quality of life in the Greater Green Bay area by training leaders in business, government, education, and nonprofits.

Strategic Foresight Training-Why Learn

How Will Strategic Foresight Training Change You?

How Will Strategic Foresight Change You?

When you learn to follow signals and trends, picture the most probable futures, identify their likely impact, and find the key drivers of the most likely futures, you can plan to influence your organization’s future, not just react to problems as they present themselves. You’ll deal with change more proactively.

Who Should Train in Strategic Foresight?

If you need a clearer look into the future, send a team of two or more to Strategic Foresight training. Successful participants are forward looking, open minded, creative, and strong communicators. Be ready to view of your organization in 5-15 years. Be committed to your organization and our community.

Is Northeast Wisconsin fully prepared to deal with the risks of accelerated change? Will we make the right decisions, move in the right direction? Can we adapt? We proudly compete across the nation and around the globe. As the pace of change increases, through technological breakthroughs and globalization, we must understand our alternatives and make wise choices quickly to remain competitive.
Who Should Train in Strategic Foresight?

Local organizations need tools that provide broad insight into these trends and helps decision makers evaluate alternatives for action and respond with innovation. Even better if it’s a team-based or community-wide approach. Both individuals and teams benefit from this training, offered partly in-person and partly virtual. The cohort will develop community-wide awareness by exploring probable futures that will impact the future of their own organizations and other entities. Join us if you want to learn how to drive toward a preferred future for your organization and your community.

Our Trainer

Futurist Garry Golden

After extensive research and vetting, Envision engaged nationally recognized Futurist Garry Golden to teach, lead and coach our strategic foresight workshops. Educated at UW-Madison and trained and certified by the University of Houston, Garry has worked across a wide range of industry sectors and projects related to the future of energy and transportation infrastructure, financial services, talent development, civic and cultural institutions, and global demographic changes. His clients have included American Express, Accenture, Disney, Microsoft, Verizon, Harvard, Standard & Poor’s, Pepsico, Aetna, and CVS. He is co-author of Designing Your Future, and author of The Age of Adaptive Experiences.

Golden has been facilitating our workshops in Green Bay since 2017.

How Your Training Will Unfold

How Your Training Will Unfold

Begin with an online survey followed by a full-day seminar offered on-site in Green Bay. Over the next six weeks, attend three virtual sessions, each two hours in length. Approximately two months after your course began, convene again for an in-person session and present something of what you’ve learned to your classmates and the Envision Board of Directors.

Then, you join our Foresight Network with opportunities to engage with your own classmates and those of previous and following classes. We will ask you, from time to time, to share with us your application of Strategic Foresight in your organization and the results and challenges you’re realizing.

What You Will Learn

Learn how to apply key questions that assess assumptions toward change, transitions, uncertainty, and the role of leadership. Master Strategic Foresight techniques, tools and frameworks, and apply them to organizational, personal, and community futures thinking, including:

  • Scanning for Signals of Change – Learn to scan for signals of change and then synthesize stories that imagine disruptive implications of change for your organization.
  • Futures Wheel – Take “mental leaps of change” by creating provocative and plausible future headlines
  • Era-based Change – Break down key dynamics and drivers of change across eras of transition.
  • Framework Forecasting – Learn to quickly explore the future of a domain’s baseline and alternative futures.
  • Four Futures – Construct your organization’s four likely futures.
What You Will Learn

The Next Workshop

Click register for the 2024 Fall Strategic Foresight Workshop. The five sessions include the following components:

  • Online survey
  • Full-day seminar
  • Three video sessions
  • Coaching with Garry Golden: individual, virtual, ongoing
  • Presentations by participants. View the schedule and contact Envision to place a hold on seat in the next workshop.
Next Workshop

Mailing Address:

PO Box 625
Green Bay WI  54305



Physical Address:

112 N Adams St
Green Bay WI 54301