Sep 7, 2016 | Other Publications
Written by Greater Green Bay Chamber of Commerce
Comprehensive guide to the Greater Green Bay Community. If you are looking to relocate your family, your business or expand your existing facility, the Fact Book contains everything you need to know. [Click Greater Green Bay Fact Book (2016) to read the full book.]
Mar 1, 2016 | Other Publications
Written by Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development
Following the Great Recession, which ended in 2009, job levels are up, wages have increased, and home values have nearly recovered. So, why is our national economy not growing faster, and how does Wisconsin, specifically, compare? [Click Brown County Workforce and Economic Profile (2015) to read full paper.]
Feb 1, 2016 | Other Publications
Written by Ecumenical Partnership for Housing
This PowerPoint slide deck explores housing needs and solutions, including shelter, transitional housing, and rapid rehousing. [Click Pathway to Self-Sufficiency (2016) to see Power Point slides.]