Diversity and Inclusion for such a time as this… a conversation with Renita Robinson

by Devon Christianson, Envision board member

“Have the tough conversations; stretch toward what seems out of reach.” That’s the advice of
Prevea Health’s new Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion, Renita Robinson. You might
remember this visionary change agent as the Chief Executive Officer of the YWCA of Greater
Green Bay. She’s moved into healthcare leadership at this critical “COVID moment,” helping
Prevea learn what it can from tough times and shape the best possible future for itself and the


“Innovation is a Process”–Craig Dickman’s mantra

by Diane Roundy, Envision Board Member

Craig Dickman, a native son of Green Bay who earned his first degree right here at University of Wisconsin—Green Bay, ranks among our area’s key visionaries. The managing director of TitletownTech (a partnership between the Green Bay Packers and Microsoft), Craig has developed a successful innovation-focused practice working with corporate partners and entrepreneurs to create, build, and commercialize new capabilities and ventures. His watchword is “innovation.”


Casa Alba Melanie: A Forward-Looking Hispanic Resource Center

Written by Fr. Paul Demuth for Horizons newsletter, May 2021

When Sister Melanie Maczka and Father Ken DeGroot, O. Praem., decided to “retire” from their pastoral duties at St. Willebrord Catholic Church, the first local Catholic parish to welcome Hispanics as integral members, they realized that not all Hispanic people felt comfortable in a church setting. The needs and talents of the Hispanic community were vast and vital to the future of the greater Green Bay community. While Father Ken sought the funds for Casa ALBA Melanie, Sr. Melanie became the first Executive Director, working with a bicultural board in imaginative and ever-developing vision.
