Socially Inclusive Housing

Jim Golembeski, Upward Mobility Signals Team

Our Wisconsin workforce continues to set records.  Numbers from June 2024 show a record 3,048,600 people employed in our state with a Labor Force Participation rate of 65.5%, 3% above the national average. So who are these people, supposedly sitting on the sidelines, unwilling to work? Read about the housing our workforce.

Better Future for Others

Jim Golembeski, Upward Mobility Signals Team

Everyone faces obstacles going through life. Some things just happen, and others are self-inflicted. Sara Williams has used her challenges to build an even better life. She’s the Community Organizer and spokesperson for JOSHUA, promoting the worth and dignity of every human person through social justice. Read about Sara’s work.

A State Corrections System for 2033

Jim Golembeski, Upward Mobility Signals Team

Historically, prison conditions in America are not a pretty picture. Wisconsin continues to spend an enormous amount of taxpayer dollars on a system that is inhumane and a vicious cycle for those caught up in it. The current situation at the Green Bay and Waupun prisons has been gaining a lot of media attention. So I ask, what is the single biggest reason that people are sentenced to prison in Wisconsin? Read more about our State Corrections System