A Tour of TitletownTech

Lynn Gerlach, Envision Communication Consultant
February 28, 2022

When you bring in a future-focused trend analyst from Europe, you want to take her to the most exciting places in town, right? Show her that we too have a sharp, creative eye on the future, right? So that’s exactly what we did when Vicki Loomes of TrendWatching flew in from London to guide our first celebration of World Futures Day. And where did we take her? TitletownTech, an incubator of innovation right in the shadow of Lambeau Field.

(Click here for entire article.)

Avoiding Disruption

Written by Phil Hauck

Northeast Wisconsin companies compete well nationally because of smarts and work ethic, but right now they risk “getting disrupted” by national competitors who better use new technologies to increase benefits to their customers. Why? [Link to read full article Avoiding Disruption]