Diverse Leadership Teams Perform Better

by Nanette Nelson, Envision board member

September 1, 2021

General Motors Co. is currently headed by a woman CEO and, as of March 2021, a majority of its board of directors is female. This year GM said it aims to convert nearly its entire vehicle lineup to electric by 2035.

Inclusive corporate cultures have a competitive edge, according to recent studies (see links below)—better products, sales growth and share performance.  Innovation, enabling success in today’s fast-changing, disruption-filled competitive world, is the key characteristic of these inclusive companies. Companies with above-average gender diversity on their boards and top management are more likely to have these inclusive cultures.  Women bring work styles that include enhanced communication skills, more empathy, less ego and more measured risk-taking.


Courageous Followership

Written by Dave Wegge

Leadership has paid significant attention to the COVID 19 pandemic.  Leaders in the public arena from the President down to local leaders are trying to navigate this ever-changing environment. Nonprofit leaders are working diligently to respond to the needs of their clients.  Business leaders are scrambling to serve their customers, some to even save their business. 
