Young Consumers Demand Inclusivity

By Devon Christianson, Envision Board member and Health and Well-Being Signals Team

Younger generations are challenging companies to put their diversity and inclusion policies into action.  According to a 2021 study by Deloitte, “it’s not enough to just market inclusiveness or diversity, as our results also show 57% of consumers are more loyal to brands that commit to addressing social inequities in their actions.”  And true diversity and inclusion go beyond race and ethnicity.  Brand loyalty also includes images and engagement with persons who identify as LGBTQ+ and those with disabilities. Companies are following suit as they see their gateway to growth reaching younger consumers with positive images and opportunities in a celebrated diverse community.  The younger generations want more than just hiring practices or marketing strategies; they want to see functions and business change to match their message.


Imagine this headline: Green Bay Living the Good Life!

Devon Christianson, Envision Board member

Ryan Good would love to see that headline someday. For now, the president and CEO of Foundations Health and Wholeness is focused on intentionality: “Think intentionally, act intentionally, and be good intentionally.” That’s Ryan’s motto in both his personal and professional life. And, if he has anything to say about it, wholistic mental health services – including openness to personal spirituality – will characterize counseling and mental health support in our area in future years.


Devon Christianson Shapes the Future at the ADRC

By Nan Nelson, Board Member

“Our values are front and center here. Everyone contributes to living those values in their work, and they have to resonate with every position. Are our priorities determined by leadership? I say ‘no.’ Everything worth doing comes from the bottom up, so to speak, driven by the people at our agency who are on the front lines, living and breathing our values. We have a saying here: Every job matters -and we mean it.” So says Devon Christianson, Executive Director of the Brown County Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC).
