Census 2020 by the Numbers

by Dr. Jamie Lynch, Associate Professor of Sociology and Executive Director of the Strategic Research Institute St. Norbert College and Envision board member

The 2020 census brings new data to old stories of diversity and growth in Brown County. It’s still early, and more information will continue to become available, but here are four data points likely to shape the future of greater Green Bay.


Horizons Newsletter by Envision

Click July 2021 Horizons to read the Envision newsletter. Discover how Craig Dickman (Managing Director, TitleTownTech) and Laura Hieb (Chief Nursing Officer, Bellin Health) adovcate for foresight in two of the Green Bay area’s leading organizations. Envision Board members Phil Hauck (Economic Transformation) and Judy Nagels (Pathway to Success) also share insights from their Signals Teams.

Foreign Direct Investment–A Signal to Watch

By Judy Nagel, Envision Board Member

What are the key signals of social mobility? Labor, education, technology, healthcare and social protections – and FDI: foreign direct investment. A key indicator of positive social mobility is the investment by foreign countries in American businesses, and this particular indicator has taken a startling downward shift. Until 2020, the US led in FDI with China a distant second. All that has changed now, and FDI is definitely a signal we need to watch.


New Software Saves the Contractor Time and the Customer Money

By Phil Hauck, Envision Board Member
(watching signals of Artificial Intelligence)

Remember when construction projects started with a draftsman wielding a pencil and a straightedge? Today a homeowner can buy software that helps her size and orient rooms to get the best view from her new house. And the contractor now has scanning devices and software that drive exact layouts – to the quarter inch – that integrate plumbing, electric, mechanical, and other design features.


Blockchain Continues its Ascendancy

By Phil Hauck, Envision Board of Directors
(following signals of Artificial Intelligence)

Blockchain, originally created to support Bitcoin, now has a life of its own. It is an internet-based software application that: documents a sequence of inputs (blocks) that can’t be changed (so they remain transparent); is private to the specific users; and is virtually impervious to hacking (therefore secure). On average, blockchain stocks have doubled in value during the past year. Blockchain is now used for payment processing in our banking system, for smart contracts, crowdfunding, health information and other transactions requiring security. It has even been used to allow secure voting by remote military personnel, and a few counties have tried it with success for other voting applications.  Blockchain can be hacked, but only with great difficulty.


Viewing Healthcare through a New Lens

By Laura Hieb RN, BSN, MBA, NE-BC, Bellin Health

As a Registered Nurse (RN) for 32 years, I’ve expected to see the healthcare industry change. As a Senior Vice President for Bellin Health, and Chief Nursing Officer, I’ve understood the need for our organization to continually evolve and improve. And three years ago, I finally understood how I, as an organizational leader, could use specific tools and understanding to help drive my healthcare system toward a preferred future. This is a brief recap of my efforts to apply my training in Foresight Analysis (provided by Garry Golden via Envision, then called BACC) and the modest but important results we’ve already been able to achieve at Bellin Health.


“Innovation is a Process”–Craig Dickman’s mantra

by Diane Roundy, Envision Board Member

Craig Dickman, a native son of Green Bay who earned his first degree right here at University of Wisconsin—Green Bay, ranks among our area’s key visionaries. The managing director of TitletownTech (a partnership between the Green Bay Packers and Microsoft), Craig has developed a successful innovation-focused practice working with corporate partners and entrepreneurs to create, build, and commercialize new capabilities and ventures. His watchword is “innovation.”


Casa Alba Melanie: A Forward-Looking Hispanic Resource Center

Written by Fr. Paul Demuth for Horizons newsletter, May 2021

When Sister Melanie Maczka and Father Ken DeGroot, O. Praem., decided to “retire” from their pastoral duties at St. Willebrord Catholic Church, the first local Catholic parish to welcome Hispanics as integral members, they realized that not all Hispanic people felt comfortable in a church setting. The needs and talents of the Hispanic community were vast and vital to the future of the greater Green Bay community. While Father Ken sought the funds for Casa ALBA Melanie, Sr. Melanie became the first Executive Director, working with a bicultural board in imaginative and ever-developing vision.


Corporations Signal that Women Leaders Fuel Diversity and Innovation

(BACC Board member Nan Nelson provides the first of four summaries of BACC findings in its Economic Transformation Signal Team report)

Inclusive corporate cultures have a competitive edge, according to new study results (see reference list)—better products, sales growth and share performance. Innovation, enabling success in today’s fast-changing, disruption-filled competitive world, is the key characteristic of these inclusive companies.
