Feb 26, 2022 | Other Publications
Nan Nelson, Board Member
Garry Golden has been a partner of Envision for about 5 years and has worked with both our board and five cohorts of strategic foresight workshop attendees. He is an academically trained Futurist who consults on issues shaping business and society in the 21st century. Garry has worked across a wide range of clients including: Accenture Operations, Allscripts, CVS, Aetna, Dell, Fidelity, and the Walt Disney Company. Garry received his Masters degree from the University of Houston Futures Studies program (M.S.), and is a past member on the Board of Directors of the Association of Professional Futurists (APF). He lives in an old tilted row home in Brooklyn NY with his wife and two boys. We sat down with Garry to take a look at where we’ve been together and what’s next.
Feb 26, 2022 | Envision Success Stories
Chris Davis, Green Bay’s new police chief, was among 16 participants in Envision’s most recent Strategic Foresight workshop. He explained that “a big part of my job in twenty-first-century policing is anticipating trends and being ready when the future arrives.” Invited to enroll in the course by Mayor Eric Genrich, Davis said he’s interested in following the trend away from “de-fund the police” and toward placing higher value on policing as gun crime increases. “The trick,” he says, “will be to effectively address violence while moving forward on police reform efforts.” (Click here for the for the entire article)
Feb 26, 2022 | Community Spotlight
by Devon Christianson, Board Member
The “future” is the very bread and butter of the Greater Green Bay Community Foundation (GGBCF). Recently GGBCF’s Community Engagement Program Officer, Rashad Cobb, shared with us his vision for a Community Foundation determined to invest in a better Green Bay community. “We have an opportunity to shape what a leader looks like in our community,” he said. “We’ve launched a task force on diverse and inclusive leadership. First, we have to help diverse individuals see themselves as leaders. Then we help agencies connect with those prospective leaders.” He explained that it doesn’t always work that way. “Right now, you have to be in the right circles before someone asks you to be on a board or committee – that’s what we need to change.”
Feb 12, 2022 | Signals to Watch
by Judy Nagel, Envision board
What if an issue endemic to northeast Wisconsin turned out to be a substantial contributor to global warming – and then someone turned it on its head and converted the problem into a whole new industry? Our area has done it before – all it needs is an altruistic entrepreneur.
The issue is about cows and burping. Yes, 30% of global warming is due to methane release, and one-third of that methane comes from livestock. In a single year one cow emits as much methane as a small car, and the reason is simple: Cows are gassy due to the roughage they eat, which results in lots of burping. The burping emits methane. Worldwide, 1.5 billion cows are eating, burping and creating methane – and a good portion of cows live in our area.
Researchers have found, however, that asparagopsis, a type of seaweed, can allow those cows to chow down without burping, nearly eliminating livestock methane emissions. Even better, if a mere two-tenths of one percent of a cow’s daily ration included such seaweed, maximum benefit could be achieved! Read interesting details from Salon: Can we grow enough seaweed to help cows fight climate change?
Using the environmental research resources of the University of Wisconsin – Green Bay, access to the bay, carbon tax credits, and investment capital from Titletown Tech, could we develop a local suitable seaweed to harvest? We might create, at the same time, a new sustainable industry for the agricultural base of our economy!
Feb 12, 2022 | Upward Mobility Signals
Jim Golembeski, Envision Board
It is universally agreed that we have a severe workforce shortage in Northeast Wisconsin. Our state reported a mere 2.8% unemployment rate in December, the lowest on record, so it is no surprise that we lack workers to fill jobs. Might I suggest that we find the solution in our incarcerated population?
Jan 4, 2022 | Horizons Newsletter by Envision
Click January 2022 Horizons for the full text of the January Envision newsletter. Meet Steve McCarthy, Envision’s new Executive Director, read outgoing President Dave Wegge’s reflection on Envision, read how the Aging and Disability Resource Center is a Strategic Foresight success story, and discover other news noted about Envision and suggested readings by Envision Board members.
Dec 28, 2021 | From our Leadership
Dave Wegge and Phil Hauck, Envision Board members
“I’ve always tried to keep one eye on what’s directly in front of me and the other eye on the horizon, to anticipate what’s coming. That mindset has worked well for me. Most recently it helped form the central argument for Curative Connections’ successful $8.5 million capital campaign,” explained Steve McCarthy recently as we sat down informally over coffee. “Strategic Foresight is an excellent framework that brings more discipline and rigor to leadership roles,” he said, “and that is key for anyone interested in achieving a particular desired future.”
Dec 28, 2021 | Envision Success Stories
By Nan Nelson, Board Member
“Our values are front and center here. Everyone contributes to living those values in their work, and they have to resonate with every position. Are our priorities determined by leadership? I say ‘no.’ Everything worth doing comes from the bottom up, so to speak, driven by the people at our agency who are on the front lines, living and breathing our values. We have a saying here: Every job matters -and we mean it.” So says Devon Christianson, Executive Director of the Brown County Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC).
Dec 28, 2021 | From our Leadership
Dave Wegge, Board member
I have been part of Envision Greater Green Bay (originally Bay Area Community Council) off and on since its creation back in the early 1990s. It’s an organization that has delivered significant value to our community through research, white papers focusing attention on key community issues, and community-wide conferences. For the past two years I have had the pleasure of serving as the president of this organization.
Nov 30, 2021 | Strategic Foresight
Lynn Gerlach, Tamarack Communication/Envision
Eleven Green Bay area leaders from seven different organizations completed a semester of Strategic Foresight Training on November 19, 2021. Click here to read their stories.