by Steve McCarthy, Executive Director

If you’re seeking a real-life, practical application of strategic foresight to a meaningful situation with which we can all relate, look no further than the war in Ukraine!

Russia’s unprovoked invasion of its neighbor has unleashed levels of global unpredictability not seen in decades. Futurists had scenario-planned for Russia’s invasion, of course, but few thought it likely, given the probable consequences of the aggression.

Most of us are struggling to understand the war’s implications on ourselves personally and professionally, as well as on our broader local, regional, national and global communities.

Fortunately many futurists are working to clarify the war’s current and potential ramifications. The Futures Platform in Finland is one such group. They’ve created a helpful “foresight radar” related to the war and the resulting global chaos.

The foresight radar is divided into four sections, each examining the war and its impacts based on their anticipated future directions. The signals are recognizable, trending toward four potential futures.

The Futures Platform will update the radar with new analyses and insights and what it means for the world. You can read more about the analysis here.

Enjoy reading this helpful application of strategic foresight!