Feb 12, 2022 | Upward Mobility Signals
Jim Golembeski, Envision Board
It is universally agreed that we have a severe workforce shortage in Northeast Wisconsin. Our state reported a mere 2.8% unemployment rate in December, the lowest on record, so it is no surprise that we lack workers to fill jobs. Might I suggest that we find the solution in our incarcerated population?
Oct 30, 2021 | Upward Mobility Signals
Heidi Selberg, Envision Board Member
Recent news reports about the changes in the racial composition of the US and their relation to the race/ethnicity questions on the census form have generated some confusion. Are the reported changes in the country’s racial composition a real transition, or are they simply a result of the change in the way the questions were worded? Let’s find out.
Jul 5, 2021 | Upward Mobility Signals
By Judy Nagel, Envision Board Member
What are the key signals of social mobility? Labor, education, technology, healthcare and social protections – and FDI: foreign direct investment. A key indicator of positive social mobility is the investment by foreign countries in American businesses, and this particular indicator has taken a startling downward shift. Until 2020, the US led in FDI with China a distant second. All that has changed now, and FDI is definitely a signal we need to watch.