Moving at the Speed of Opportunity

Jim Golembeski, Upward Mobility Signals Team

Someone told me recently that the current state of generative AI today is comparable to what cell
phones were in 2008. Remember pulling up little antennas in days before unlimited texting? What will
AI be doing in 2033? We had better keep up with it, because generative AI accelerates what is known as
the “Digital Divide.” We are fortunate in Northeast Wisconsin to have a head start on this opportunity to
address the Digital Divide. Read more about AI in the workplace.

Addressing the Performance Gap: Transforming United States Education for Global Competitiveness

Gratzia Villarroel, Ph.D. , Director of International Studies, St. Norbert College

The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) emerged in the late 1990s when the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) identified a need for an international assessment beyond traditional performance measures. The first PISA assessment took place in 2000 and included 32 countries, which has risen to 80 in recent test evaluations. The test occurs every three years, and improvements are made each time to address different needs. To read the complete article click PISA Study.

Growing and Retaining a Workforce

Jim Golembeski, Envision Board member and Upward Mobility Signals Team

It takes 18 years to grow a worker.

That makes workforce forecasting one of the easiest things that Envision can do in our efforts to identify trends and challenges.  It is easy to gather live birth data for our region on an annual basis and extrapolate out into the future.

We know the numbers of each age group, year by year, in NEW North.  I have been speaking about these numbers for more than twenty years. The writing, as in the book of Daniel, has been on the wall: too many Baby Boomers retiring and not enough replacement workers coming into our workforce.
