Feb 13, 2023 | Signals to Watch
Nan Nelson, Board Member
The world’s first robot lawyer will soon defend a human in a speeding ticket case in an actual United
States court. The CEO of DoNotPay introduced his AI lawyer to the world in a January Twitter clip. In this
video the company’s bot successfully negotiated a Comcast Internet bill with the Comcast Chat bot.
Human observers noted that both bots were “a bit too polite.” Next up for the AI lawyer will be credit
card chargebacks, airline complaints and Amazon returns, the CEO said, noting the service will be
publicly available soon. More complicated cases like parking and speeding tickets, appealing bank fees
and suing robocallers will be available next.
Click here to read, “World’s First Robot Lawyer to Defend Human in Speeding Ticket Case in US”
Jan 2, 2023 | Signals to Watch
Jeff House, Envision Board Member
As the “future” becomes the “present,” one trend that started decades ago and continues to grow is the electrification of our lives. It seems that everything we touch today has a motor and a circuit board. And so, the question becomes: How are we going to continue to energize this growing array of electrical things? Could renewable energy be the answer? Let’s see what the signals say.
Sep 19, 2022 | Signals to Watch
Phil Hauck, Envision Board member
Remember World Futures Day, March 1, 2022? Vicki Loomes of TrendWatching spent a good bit of time helping us understand the most unfamiliar “metaverse.” Well, guess what: It’s here! It’s now at Horizon 1.5 and imminent.
Want proof? Check out this link from America’s Got Talent (September 13, 2022) for a demo by a group called “MetaPhysics.” Here’s how it works: Place a camera driven by physical-look AI software in front of a somewhat-look-alike person, and you will project Elvis Presley live on screen, singing “You Ain’t Nothin’ but a Hound Dog” – or even a song he never did sing. You can include Simon Cowell singing along with Elvis and Heidi and Sofia as backup singers!
Want a better explanation? The MetaPhysics team explained it here. Amazing!
Now, might it come to Green Bay soon? Probably not too soon, but it’s clearly in the sights of PMI Entertainment, which brings groups to the Resch Center and the Meyer Theater. PMI CEO Brendan Bruss wrote in a recent Horizons article that, as PMI seeks ideas from the marketplace, the industry or even PMI could create small concerts pairing a deceased singer with Abba, for example! Stay tuned; the metaverse is on its way.