Aug 1, 2020 | From our Leadership
Written by Dave Wegge
Leadership has paid significant attention to the COVID 19 pandemic. Leaders in the public arena from the President down to local leaders are trying to navigate this ever-changing environment. Nonprofit leaders are working diligently to respond to the needs of their clients. Business leaders are scrambling to serve their customers, some to even save their business.
Jul 1, 2020 | From our Leadership
Written by Dave Wegge
The Bay Area Community Council (BACC) is currently conducting research to assess how community leaders perceive the BACC and to identify key issues facing the greater Green Bay area.
Community leaders participating in several BACC discussion groups identify two major challenges facing the future of our community: 1) workforce development and 2) the growing diversity of our population. The BACC also conducted a survey of community leaders in business, nonprofits, government, and education. Among other things, the survey asked leaders how much of a factor a series of challenges will be in shaping the future of the greater Green Bay area and how well prepared we are in meeting these challenges. The insights from the discussion groups and the survey demonstrate consensus on these two challenges.
May 1, 2020 | From our Leadership
Written by Dave Wegge
The Coronavirus pandemic will bring significant changes to the future of the greater Green Bay area. As a community, it is important to be thinking now about the short and the long-term effects that are likely to transpire. The short-term impacts and our responses to them may set the stage for how we as a community address the long-term effects. The long-term effects will produce significant opportunities and raise challenges for our community.