Apr 28, 2022 | Community Spotlight
Lynn Gerlach, Envision Communication Consultant
February 28, 2022
When you bring in a future-focused trend analyst from Europe, you want to take her to the most exciting places in town, right? Show her that we too have a sharp, creative eye on the future, right? So that’s exactly what we did when Vicki Loomes of TrendWatching flew in from London to guide our first celebration of World Futures Day. And where did we take her? TitletownTech, an incubator of innovation right in the shadow of Lambeau Field.
(Click here for entire article.)
Mar 2, 2022 | Envision Success Stories
Lynn Gerlach, Tamarack Communication
Envision Communications Director
Good news: You can now purchase Ralph Lauren fashions for your digital avatar and then exercise your soccer “muscles” in the Metaverse with your buddies — and never even break a sweat. On a more practical level, you can buy a pair of actual, real-world sneakers and, when they get shabby, plant them in your backyard and anticipate their new growth as a pair of apple trees! Seriously….
Click here for entire article.
Feb 26, 2022 | Envision Success Stories
Chris Davis, Green Bay’s new police chief, was among 16 participants in Envision’s most recent Strategic Foresight workshop. He explained that “a big part of my job in twenty-first-century policing is anticipating trends and being ready when the future arrives.” Invited to enroll in the course by Mayor Eric Genrich, Davis said he’s interested in following the trend away from “de-fund the police” and toward placing higher value on policing as gun crime increases. “The trick,” he says, “will be to effectively address violence while moving forward on police reform efforts.” (Click here for the for the entire article)