Our Local Childcare Crisis

Judy Nagel, Upward Mobility Signals Team (with guest authors Paula Breese, Lynn Coriano, and Sarah Inman)

Upward mobility is driven by policy – which can catalyze or sabotage. In the United States, due to our policies, it takes five generations to move from low income to the middle class. The world’s top five countries in terms of social mobility all have this in common: a solid foundation for early childcare and development. Read about our local childcare crisis.

Gas stations in space? Apparently so.

Judy Nagel, Upward Mobility Signals Team

Fifteen thousand satellites have been sent to space since 1957, and only half are still working. Others are floating uselessly or have burned up. Orbit Fab is now building gas stations in space, providing hydrazine, the most common fuel for satellites.  Read more on satellites.

What powers Google data centers?

Judy Nagel, Upward Mobility Signals Team

Google has initiated a first-of-its-kind approach to powering its data centers –
geothermal energy! With the goal of accelerating a clean energy transition on a
planetary scale, Google has pioneered a horizontal drilling method. It uses new
techniques to harness the consistent heat from within the Earth’s crust and generate
electricity without burning fossil fuels or releasing carbon into the atmosphere. More on energy.