The COVID-19 Pandemic Raises Critical Questions for Our Future

Written by Dave Wegge

As we begin to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, it is interesting to note the language that is being used to speak of the new era that we are entering. A couple of items have particularly struck me. I have heard several people saying, “I can’t wait until we get through the COVID pandemic and return to normal.” While I am not a soothsayer about the future, I believe thinking about the past year as an “event” and looking forward to returning to “normal” may not be what is in store for us in the future. There are a number of questions that our experiences from the past year have raised for us.


Avoiding Disruption

Written by Phil Hauck

Northeast Wisconsin companies compete well nationally because of smarts and work ethic, but right now they risk “getting disrupted” by national competitors who better use new technologies to increase benefits to their customers. Why? [Link to read full article Avoiding Disruption]