Apr 15, 2007 | BACC Archive
Written by Noel Halvorsen, Randall Lawton and Others
More than 10% of the Brown County population was known to live in poverty at this time – and the problem was growing. The focus of this study was to discover what efforts best help those in poverty to become self sufficient. [Click Poverty in Brown County (2007) to read the full paper.]
Jul 15, 2005 | BACC Archive
This paper focuses on a public-policy storm already beginning (in 2005) to shred the area’s social, economic and governmental fabric. Issues included rising taxes, economic segregation, a strain on the natural environment and others. [Click Wisconsin and the Perfect Policy Storm (2005) to read the full paper.]
Oct 15, 2004 | Other Publications
This is Phase III of an ongoing study that recognizes the interrelationship of workforce development and economic development. This phase aims at developing economic development strategies for 17 counties in northeast Wisconsin. [Click Northeast Wisconsin (NEW) Economic Opportunity Study (2004) to read the full study.]