Nov 1, 2011 | Other Publications
Written by Brown County Civic Organizations
This LIFE (Leading Indicators for Excellence) study aimed to activate leaders based on an accurate understanding of the community’s strengths and shortcomings across a variety of sectors. [Click LIFE Study – Full Report (2011) to read the full report]
Nov 1, 2011 | Other Publications
Written by Brown County Civic Organizations
This LIFE (Leading Indicators for Excellence) study aimed to activate leaders based on an accurate understanding of the community’s strengths and shortcomings across a variety of sectors. This is the 20-page executive summary of that report. [Click LIFE Study – Executive Summary (2011) to read the full report.]
Oct 1, 2010 | BACC Archive
Written by Paul Demuth, Randall Lawton, Judy Nagel and Others
Having found chilling similarities between poverty and alcohol abuse, BACC convened a task force that included leaders with specialized knowledge of substance abuse and current methods to combat it. This report meant to launch the process to change the current situation. [Click Alcohol Abuse in Brown County (2010) to read full report.]