May 1, 2015 | BACC Archive
Written by Devon Christianson and Others
Poverty in the Green Bay area has worsened since our 2007 report, but the infrastructure that deals with it has improved. [Click Poverty in Brown County Progress Report (2015) to read the full report.]
Oct 13, 2014 | BACC Archive
BACC undertook this study in order to inform the Brown County Board of Supervisors about consideration of a county-wide sales tax as the “Stadium Tax” was about to sunset. [Click County Half-Percent Sales Tax FAQs to read the full article.]
Sep 3, 2014 | Other Publications
Economic Development is the process by which a community creates a business plan that will retain and expand existing business, attract and develop new ones, and revitalize underused assets. [Click Economic Development: Brown County Comprehensive Plan Chapter 4 (2014) to read more.]