Horizons Newsletter by Envision

Click March 2022 Horizons for the full text of the March Envision newsletter. Read about the success of Envision’s first ever World Futures Day celebration enjoyed by over 100 community leaders. Meet Christopher Smith, Green Bay’s new police chief, and other winter 2022 Strategic Foresight Workshop participants; Rashad Cobb, Greater Green Bay Community Foundation’s strategic looking Community Engagement Program Officer; and Envision’s training consultant, Garry Golden, an internationally regarded futurist. Discover research on trends highlighted by Envision Board members.

Problem: Workforce Shortage. Solution: Prisons!

Jim Golembeski, Envision Board

It is universally agreed that we have a severe workforce shortage in Northeast Wisconsin. Our state reported a mere 2.8% unemployment rate in December, the lowest on record, so it is no surprise that we lack workers to fill jobs. Might I suggest that we find the solution in our incarcerated population?


Horizons Newsletter by Envision

Click January 2022 Horizons for the full text of the January Envision newsletter. Meet Steve McCarthy, Envision’s new Executive Director, read outgoing President Dave Wegge’s reflection on Envision, read how the Aging and Disability Resource Center is a Strategic Foresight success story, and discover other news noted about Envision and suggested readings by Envision Board members.