Greater Green Bay Blueprint to Prevent and End Homelessness (2021)

The Greater Green Bay Community Housing Initiative Task Force engaged the Corporation
for Supportive Housing (CSH) to facilitate a planning process to develop a plan to prevent
and end homelessness. The plan is designed to be action oriented, with proposed initial
“small wins” focused on reducing harm, as well as medium to long-term actions and tasks
that would transform systems and potentially change entirely how the city, county and
local providers respond to people experiencing housing instability and homelessness.
Between September 2020 and October 2021, local elected officials, county and city
leadership and staff, philanthropy, law enforcement, local providers, CSH, school staff and
employers, and people with lived experience of homelessness developed and released
The Greater Green Bay Blueprint to Prevent and End Homelessness.

This work was funded by the Basic Needs Giving Partnership, a fund of the Greater
Green Bay Community Foundation. Click here to view the entire report.

Horizons Newsletter by Envision

Click November 2021 Horizons for the full text of the November Envision newsletter. Meet Steve McCarthy, Envision’s recently selected Executive Director, and Foresight Network member Matt Schueller, Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer of Nature’s Way. The newsletter also features several articles that interpret the 2020 census and a trending signal of world migration.

Horizons Newsletter by Envision

Click July 2021 Horizons to read the Envision newsletter. Discover how Craig Dickman (Managing Director, TitleTownTech) and Laura Hieb (Chief Nursing Officer, Bellin Health) adovcate for foresight in two of the Green Bay area’s leading organizations. Envision Board members Phil Hauck (Economic Transformation) and Judy Nagels (Pathway to Success) also share insights from their Signals Teams.