Phil Hauck, Envision Board President

Save 20%, help Envision, and get the video series and a hard copy of Frey’s book, Future Like a Boss, by ordering through Envision. Learn to “think like a futurist” through 14 stand-alone lessons.

The program consists of 14 chapters, most of which are stand-alone lessons that can be used in training (or refreshing) leaders on how to “Think Like A Futurist.” Topics include:

  • Understanding Signs of the Future and Reprogramming Our Inner Vision
  • Systems Thinking
  • Techniques such as
    • The Checkerboard Tool
    • Question Mapping
    • Backcasting
    • Situational Futuring

In addition to the video series, you will receive a hard copy book of the series, weekly Foresight Journaling directives, and an opportunity to participate in ongoing chat groups. The cost to order through the official website is $997, but, with Envision’s 20% discount, your total cost is $798. Ten percent of that cost accrues to Envision from the Frey organization.  

Learn more about the program here:

You can order it at:  When asked for the Coupon Code, enter “ENVISION” for the discount price.